A Saline Waste Reduction and Mineral Product Solutions Provider
Phone: +614 20 231 338
About Dr Aharon Arakel
Founder & Lead Technologist
Aharon Arakel is an accomplished geoscientist and technologist with a technology RD&D and commercialisation background spanning well over three decades, reflected in the following brief profile:
PhD qualification granted in 1979 from The University of Western Australia following completion of his research on hydrological and sedimentation aspects of modern salt lakes in Western Australia with one of the lakes now the site of world’s largest food colouring pigment production from brines (operated by Wesfarmers)
Post-doctoral fellowship with Western Mining Corporation (now BHP) on environmental aspects of nickel mining operations in Kambalda region of Western Australia
Research centre and R&D projects leadership in Australia and visiting fellowship at many overseas universities and research bureaus
Principal Scientist at Sydney Water Corporation (1992-1996)
Certificate of Westpac Executive Development Program (1995)
Lead authorship of numerous scientific articles on groundwater salinity, sedimentology and hydrogeology of Quaternary salt lake basins around the globe (Australia, Africa, China) and their mineral recovery potentials
Lead inventor of Pact Renewables’ technologies with most now evolved through the stages of field piloting, public demonstration, licensing and commercial application. His first patent for salt recovery from salt lake brines dates back to 1993
Expertise in design, costing and implementation of commercial projects for recovery of mineral products from various saline streams, gained through leading resource recovery projects in Australia, Europe, MENA Region and USA
Pact Renewables’ consulting services and technology-based product recovery projects draw from Dr Arakel’s in-depth knowledge on the technical and economic aspects of recovery of values from saline wastewater for reducing costs associated with waste minimisation, as well as the use of cheap and widely available industrial minerals for manufacture of high-value mineral based products with diverse industrial and environmental application areas. Dr Arakel also holds a deep understanding of the knowledge gap in many industries facing salinity challenges and the options potentially available for use of saline waste streams as a resource for achieving production cost efficiencies in the face of dynamic market demand and product pricing realities. Dr Arakel and Pact Renewables are ready to support industries facing the current paradigm change by providing sustainable technology-based salinity and product recovery solutions.
Introducing Aharon Arakel (short video presentation):​​