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MBC Technology

MBC is a game-changing technology for production of mineral-based soil degradable composites using cheap and plentiful precursor minerals and their mixtures. The technology can advantageously use the minerals produced in Salpro and Synpotash technologies.


Apart from degradability in soil, our composites can also be formulated into highly functional feedstock materials suited for a range of industrial, resource development and environmental applications. Included are feedstock materials for the manufacture of highly functional soil degradable planting pots, fertilisers and soil conditioners for forestation, agroforestry, crop production and urban greening, as well as the remediation of contaminated mine sites and impaired land. Click here for an overview of arid zone farming application of our planting products. These products are produced in simple, portable units which enables their onsite production for application to forestation, farming and even rooftop greening.   


These composites are also used for encapsulation of various solid, liquid, slurry and gaseous waste streams though several combinations of aggregation and granulation steps. Hard to handle waste streams may include toxic fly ash (APCr residue) from waste-to-energy incineration processes or discarded single-use facemasks that can be encapsulated using our composites technology for safe disposal or as a feedstock for downstream applications.  

For example, the composites can optionally incorporate the use of CO2 gas waste stream from various industrial processes to produce carbonated compositions that we have been extensively tested and proven to be highly desirable feedstock material for use in manufacture of low footprint industrial products and consumer goods with measurable positive environmental and social impacts.

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