A Saline Waste Reduction and Mineral Product Solutions Provider
Phone: +614 20 231 338
Production Systems Design and Costing
Production Systems Design and Costing
Production Systems: Design and Costing
Sustainable management of saline waste from industrial operations is challenging as solutions need to consider multiple site/project specific requirements. Considering the wealth of knowledge gained by Dr Arakel over the past three decades and through his witnessing every possible salinity circumstance faced by industry, Pact Renewables is uniquely placed to draw from his experience and its proven technology platform to support companies with delivery of treatment system and costing packages that are optimised for their site/project specific requirements.
The packages we currently offer (listed below) are limited to the following
commercial-scale production systems using our technologies, that have reached appropriate Technology Readiness Level (TRL) to enable Pact Renewables provide process/products guarantees whilst also supporting our clients with their products marketing efforts using our in-depth knowledge of specialty products supply chains.

Production of high purity magnesium hydroxide and byproducts from reject brine of seawater desalination (membrane and thermal) plants
Production of magnesium- and calcium-based products from either feed brine or spent brine of lithium recovery projects using DLE processes
Production of fertiliser grade chloride-free potassium salts (standard and variable-solubility SOP products) from a variety of feedstock material including reject brine from seawater desalination processes, MOP, fly ash wash water, and certain potassium containing volcanic rocks
Production of high purity NaCl salt (for use in sodium-ion batteries) using a wide range of chloride mineral and liquid feedstock materials
Production of mineral-based (plastic free) soil degradable seedling pots from widely available industrial minerals by nurseries involved with large-scale supply of seedlings and saplings to agricultural, forestry and agrivoltaic projects
Production of mineral-based planter sleeves and soil conditioners from widely available industrial minerals by manufacturers/suppliers of vertical green garden systems
Production of geopolymers from sustainably-sourced feedstock material by companies manufacturing or supplying water proofing and salt damp removal products for residential buildings, historical monuments and tunnels/underground motorways