A Saline Waste Reduction and Mineral Product Solutions Provider
Phone: +614 20 231 338
Pact Renewables' Technology Applicability Envelope (TAE) Projects Offer

A TAE is a comprehensive package of detailed design, costing and techno-economic information for the manufacture of one or more high-value products with upmarket demand. TAEs are developed by Pact Renewables to an appropriate Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and ready for offer to parties interested in funding them for further optimisation and transgression to bankable projects. ​
The TAE based projects would suit organisations with in-house facilities and R&D teams and following one or more of the business objectives, listed below:
Growing profitability through generating revenue from recovery of mineral byproducts from their waste resources and/or from widely available benign feedstock material
Improving sustainability through waste reduction/recycling
Increasing productivity of their main product streams
The TAE optimisation is carried out by Pact Renewables exclusively for and in collaboration with the funder of a project under an amicable contractual arrangement, which entitles the project funder to the ownership of generated IP. From our past experience, TAE based projects indirectly support Pact Renewables’ objective of accelerating the commercialisation of its existing and developing technologies in the fast emerging green products market domain, to the benefit of industry, community and the environment.
Pact Renewables’ deliverables, by undertaking TAE contracts, commonly include the followings:
Bench-scale prototyping of the target products using Pact Renewable inhouse testing and R&D facilities
Design, technical advice and active participation in pilot production trials and leadership of techno-economic and life cycle assessments
Supply of a fully costed design package for a scalable production module and certified products specifications
Support with sourcing feedstock materials and procurement of treatment equipment
Introduction to potential product off-takers
Technical advice to project funder whilst establishing production facility and commissioning
Design of monitoring, verification, reporting (MVR) kits for products requiring long-term field-based performance evaluation
Drawing from our past experience, Pact Renewables has worked hard and enthusiastically to get the following TAE project opportunities ready for offer and is currently seeking expressions of interest from organisations looking for opportunities for investment in projects related to new generation low-footprint products, leading to ownership of the generated IP assets.
Project 1 - FarmCDR
Onfarm production of air carbon removing mineral-based products that after CO2 sequestration become nutritious soil conditioners

Project 2 - Ash2Cement
Fly ash containing mineral-based feedstock material for production of specialty cements and mortars, free of Ordinary Portland Cement

Geopolymer test samples subjected to performance and durability assessments.
Project 3 - RestorMortar
Lime-free mineral-based mortars for historical restoration works

​For further information on the above TAE project funding opportunities or to discuss your specific interests and suggestions please contact Aharon Arakel at​