A Saline Waste Reduction and Mineral Product Solutions Provider
Phone: +614 20 231 338
About Pact Renewables
​​Pact Renewables is a Sydney, Australia based GreenTech company with a business focus on providing expert advice on saline waste management options to industry, governments and communities, offering companies its unique technology platform for sustainable management of saline waste streams, as well as for production of high-value mineral-based products with diverse industrial and environmental applications.
Pact Renewables’ project delivery teams are led by Dr. Aharon Arakel, an accomplished geoscientist and technologist, and include specialists on Salpro and MBC Composites technologies, as well as associates from industry, engineering/environmental consulting and universities with complementary expertise.
Company uses in-house specialised testing and R&D facilities with access to a NATA registered soil/water/biological testing laboratory and university-based specialised research facilities. It also retains strategic alliances with leading equipment suppliers and turnkey operators in the fields of water, engineering design, decarbonisation, waste services, chemical products, trading and distribution, and carbon trading organisations.
Pact Renewables was founded in 2011 and continues to be directed by Dr. Arakel with the followings exemplifying his achievements:
(2001) Grant of the first Salpro technology license to Takata Corporation of Japan, following a two-year long piloting and demonstration of the technology for production of high-grade magnesium metal feedstock from cooling water system of Port Augusta coal power station in South Australia
(2006) Selection of Salpro technology platform by the US Bureau of Reclamation as the best-fit zero liquid discharge (ZLD) brine management solution in terms of technical and operational feasibility, environmental acceptability and on economic grounds
(2008-14) Grant of several national and international patents protecting the core IP behind various Salpro-based process options for the treatment of saline waters and waste waters generated by industrial and municipal activities, known to date
(2016) Successful vending of a co-founded salt lake potash development company to an ASX and LMA listed exploration/mining company
(2022) Completion of comprehensive techno-economic assessments of the processes driving the MBC composites technology, independent verification of the performance of products through long-term field trials, leading to the lodgement of national international patent applications, industry briefings and technology demonstration
(2023) Appointment of Pact Renewables as a member of World Economic Forum’s Toplink Innovators Platform
(2023) Selection of Pact Renewables by the U.S. Forestry Service for supply of MBC Composites-based seedling pots to help restore forests under U.S. 1 trillion trees forestation program
(2023) Commencement of operation of Ragn-Sells AB’s EU$50m Ash2Salt plant, producing potassium and other chloride products from waste-to-energy fly ash washing effluents, based on Pact Renewables’ Synpotash technology
Pact Renewables, as part of its technology commercialisation efforts, actively pursues opportunities for engagement with parties interested in funding projects involving the optimisation of new products recovery systems, as well as its readiness for public demonstration of its technologies for production of new generation low-footprint products.