A Saline Waste Reduction and Mineral Product Solutions Provider
Phone: +614 20 231 338
Industries We Advise:
​We offer our advisory services to the following industries seeking sustainable saline waste solutions via volume reduction, product recovery, brine pre-treatment for regulated discharge, or any combination thereof for their footprint reduction:
Mining and mineral processing operations generating saline effluents with complex chemistries
Desalination, including membrane and thermal based seawater and inland desalination processes, co-producing reject brine
Oil/gas exploration and production from conventional and unconventional sources, generating saline produced water or fracking effluents
Energy generation by waste-to-energy and geothermal energy production methods, generating fly ash and/or air pollution control residue (APCr) that are often characterised by elevated content of soluble salts and hazardous metals, requiring their removal prior to safe land disposal
Coastal coal power plants operating ash impoundments, seeking removal and safe disposal of saline dam water and/or saline effluent generated from fly ash washing processes
Hazardous waste management companies seeking safe disposal of effluents (including PFAS containing residual solutions)
Municipal/industrial sewage waste incineration operations, generating fly ash containing elevated concentrations of soluble salts and heavy metals
Petrochemical/metallurgical processes, generating various types of brine effluents
Companies involved with mineral extraction from saline solutions, such as the recovery of lithium and potassium sulphate salts, requiring pre-treatment of feed solution or polishing of the spent brine prior to re-injection/discharge
Cement manufacturing operations producing cement kiln dust, often needing the removal of soluble salts and hazardous metals prior to land disposal
Communities and jurisdictions requiring expert advice and practical solutions for saline groundwater ingress or salt scalding, to avoid adverse impacts on the built structures and infrastructure